• University of Idaho Innovation Showcase 1st place in Graduate Artistic and Creative Activities Presentation.
• 2030 Living City Design Competition - 3rd place receiving a $5,000 award
• 40th Annual I.C.M.A (Idaho Concrete Masonry Association) Finalist
International Living Future Institute
"Earning the Can-Do Award for its entry, “Coeur d’Alene After the Reign,” a student team from the University of Idaho was recognized for its ability to demonstrate how a post-oil world might also include healthier, more supportive and more meaningful community life. The jury summed up the theme of this entry as: “The Future’s Gonna be Fun.”
"A student group from the University of Idaho shared with us their proposal, titled ‘Coeur d ‘Alene After the Reign,’ for the Living City 2035 Challenge competition which won the ‘Can Do It’ Award (third place). Their proposal endeavors to imagine the impact of even a modest increase in the cost of fuel and the repercussions it might have on our built environment and the way we live within it."